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    驻院医生 第三季 The Resident (2019)

    最近更新: 2023-12-31 20


    • 最有看头的还是亦正亦邪的bell,人物塑造很丰满,虽然是直击医疗系统黑暗面,但是第一集一上来就弄个爆炸什么的,感觉串门到隔壁格蕾那里去了
    • 第三季的boss小黑哥能活到第四季吗
    • 那几个黑人医生的演技也太烂了吧……大佬的情节也是设置到荒谬得不行……

    The Resident‘s prognosis is good: Fox announced Monday that it has renewed the medical drama for a third season.Season 2 of the series, led by Matt Czuchry and Emily VanCamp, currently airs Mondays at 8/7c. (Check out our renewal scorecard to get the status on your other favorite shows.)“Amy Holden Jones, Todd Harthan and the team behind The Resident continue to showcase their brilliant storytelling, revealing both the triumphs and tragedy within the medical world,” Michael Thorn, Fox Entertainment entertainment president, said via statement. “Matt Czuchry, Emily VanCamp and Bruce Greenwood, along with the stellar cast, have developed rich and compelling characters through their heartfelt performances.”




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