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    9号秘事 六 Inside No. 9 Season 6 (2021)

    最近更新: 2024-04-29 万圣节特别篇
    • 主演:史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿 / 里斯·谢尔史密斯
    • 导演:未知
    • 编剧:未知
    • 分类:欧美剧
    • 地区:英国 
    • 年份:2021 
    • 更新:04.29
    • TAG:喜剧 / 悬疑 / 惊悚
    • 豆瓣评分 9.0 (28643票)
    • IMDB评分 6.6 (1298票)
    • TMDB评分 8.00 (热度:35.01)
    • 简介:看片狂人(www.kpkuang.com)为您奉上英国电视剧《9号秘事 六》的免费在线观看,《9号秘事 六》是对白语言为英语,属于喜剧,悬疑,惊悚类型,最后祝您观影愉快,本页面也会及时添加或更新本片(剧)的最新播放源。以下是剧情简介:   The two brand new series will promise more fantastically twisted tales from the brilliant minds of Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith.   The announcement comes ahead of the seri...... 完整简介请见下方


    • 第一集也太掉书袋了:片名是呼啸山庄谐音梗,台词引用和戏仿大量莎士比亚。居然还用惠特曼的“啊船长我的船长”来开黄腔。估计还有更多没看出来的,字幕组要累死了。然后还各种方式打破第四堵墙,中间还切换一次叙述视角。就这样还要塞进剧情反转并模糊真实与虚构的界限。三十分钟啊,塞这么满真的合适吗?
    • 才思枯竭是这个水准?那国内的编剧大部分都得下课了。
    • 嗯嗯,对,你们确实在中国也很火~ 嗯嗯,对,中国观众有时候确实看不懂你们的类比~ 因为他们看的是优酷版……
    • 咱虽然没有黑镜场面大,但咱比黑镜持久~(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
    • ep02: 权游或许会辜负你,但9号秘事不会
    • S06e01看完,也太棒了吧!要完全理解这集的梗,你不止需要知道玛莎超市,蒙太奇,meta和第四面墙,还需要看过: 米兰达,落水狗,伦敦生活,死亡诗社,呼啸山庄,李尔王和莎士比亚[吃瓜] 真的是不给普通剧迷活路
    • 当前支持国内视频网站正版的代价是垃圾字幕,审查阉割,助长ssvip和超长点播,侮辱观众审美,交的钱最后支持了国产剧和综艺制作,何必呢,属实是不配
    • 做这个字幕得累死
    • 考虑到上一季的质量,还是四星起步稳妥一点,毕竟编剧自己都说灵感枯竭 给自己找台阶下了。
    • 第一集官方吐槽灵感枯竭的全包袱小品,刻意地表演痕迹很重,以示区分。
    • 其中两集非常棒,最后一集有些减分!
    • S06E01 打破第四道墙,官方吐槽灵感枯竭 S06E02 几次反转,这集很九号秘事 S06E03 英国也有“酒店的水壶很脏,被人用来煮内裤”这个传说吗,该不会是全球通用的传说吧?不管真假,自从听说这个传言,我再也没用过酒店的水壶。这集很不错。 S06E04 大晚上看有点吓人,最后胖女孩那个瘆人的笑容和玩具娃娃的特写…… S06E05 这集走灵异风格,“我”和魔鬼有个“约会”。 S06E06 信息量挺大的一集,英国脱欧、种族歧视、宗教信仰、性取向,一家人围坐在电视机前,看着英国每年的传统节目,一个不速之客流浪汉的出现,造型名字死法都和耶稣相似,再以一首《友谊天长地久》结束。
    • 最后一集不明觉厉。少年不胜酒力,父母心怀鬼胎,路人被视为神祗,最温良的老人举起凶器。
    • 第二集Very No.9!!权游、爱死机和黑镜或许可能跌下神坛但九号秘事不会。| 第一集联动米兰达落水狗伦敦生活死亡诗社李尔王莎士比亚……一周的美好心情从爆笑的它开启!
    • S06E01 “但是这都第六季了,你们也得允许编剧才思枯竭吧” “我提前看过剧本了” 李尔王以及各种莎士比亚 一点儿没变,特别好看!
    • 枯竭还塞这么满??信你个鬼哦!胖册yyds!好多梗接不住我只能等精校了……(最后那是叙诡吧
    • 长评里更了一篇第一集全面的分析,欢迎阅读~ 首先建议不要因为自己看不懂就打低分,要珍惜难得的良心好剧。 E1:台词还是一流,就看观众能不能get到了,这就非常考验字幕组的翻译,如果翻烂了,影响观感。 各种双关,恶搞,莎剧味台词。Reece第一集爆搞笑。 E2:粉圈事我不懂,人性的恶看不透,这集看得生理性不适… E3不错 E4嘶…大晚上的 E5靠音乐撑起的一集 E6我还是不得不说一句,台词写得真好,演员把握的也好。
    • 第三集绝了。半小时里讲一个完整的“密室”故事如此精巧,还搞笑……;第五集有点不怎样,毫无惊喜,有点尬;最后一集笑得我鹅鹅鹅鹅,赞演技!
    • 这么多年依然好看,但是你们也会自我调侃“灵感枯竭”了。"I'm not fleabagging, i'm Mirandaing!"我超爱的三部英剧胜利会师,这要是灵感衰竭,其他人就是没有过灵感。
    • Reece的聪明才智仿佛一个深渊


    《9号秘事》第六季强势回归。反转神剧,燃烧你的脑细胞#9号秘事 #9号秘事第六季




    9号秘事 第六季 访谈 01


    The two brand new series will promise more fantastically twisted tales from the brilliant minds of Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith. The announcement comes ahead of the series five finale this evening (Monday 9th March 2020) on BBC Two at 10pm. Since Inside No. 9 first launched in 2014, over 30 episodes have now been broadcast including the incredibly ambitious live episode Dead Line. The latest series has again received plaudits from fans and critics alike. Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton said: “Little did we know when we started Inside No. 9 in 2014 that we would end up with as many episodes of it as Countryfile. We are delighted and exhausted in equal measure at the prospect of two more series-worth of tall tales and fearsome fables. However, we will endeavour to showcase the very best of what the BBC can do in every genre with 30 minutes of story-telling and some half-decent wigs. We might even try a Countryfile episode, no one would expect that…” Shane Allen, Controller, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning says: “With over 30 distinctive and dazzling shows to date, their ability to master and nail every genre of story-telling with brevity, invention and flair is unparalleled. Oscars have been won for less than Reece and Steve manage to conjure up with each original concept for every single show. Quite simply they have the most fertile minds in British comedy and god knows what magic the next series will bring.” Josh Cole, Head of Comedy, BBC Studios says: “Reece and Steve continue to make and break all the rules of comedy in ever more spectacular and horrifying fashion, and we are delighted that the BBC have given us the opportunity to make two more series. To paraphrase the show itself, not since the escaped cow has there been such excitement. Long live Inside No. 9!” Series six and seven will stay true to show’s anthology format with each series containing six brand new half hour films, each set in a different location. The style and tone changing each week, combining a different mix of horror, thriller, drama and comedy - always aiming to surprise, delight, unnerve and amuse. As ever, a host of talented actors will join Reece and Steve, with series five including actors such as Jenna Coleman, David Morrissey, Ralf Little, Fionn Whitehead, Maxine Peake and Phil Davis. Series five also included a surprise Psychoville cross-over episode, Death Be Not Proud, which saw the unexpected return of fan favourites David and Maureen Sowerbutts and Mr Jelly. Inside No. 9 series six and seven have been commissioned by Shane Allen, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning and Patrick Holland, Controller, BBC Two. The commissioning editor for the BBC will be Gregor Sharp and they will be executive produced by Jon Plowman with Adam Tandy as producer.




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