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    博斯:传承 第二季 Bosch: Legacy Season 2 (2023)

    最近更新: 2024-04-10 第10集


    • 这季好多老角色客串,可惜就是Grace Billets和Jimmy Robertson这俩个角色没有重新登场
    • 博叔的梦之屋🥰
    • 开局拯救麦迪,拍出来《飓风营救》的感觉,看的一个揪心😖博斯叔貌似比去年胖了一些^_^
    • 好看!
    • 还是那个Bosch!
    • 卧槽,终于来了
    • 前两集的铁汉柔情啊,想到上一季博斯知道不是麦迪中弹,挂了电话在车上哇哇地哭,叔连笑都不笑,眼泪全给小麦了
    • 无敌
    • 还是很好看,就是女儿的演技还是看着有点别扭... 可能她长得很高,就经常低头看人的这个动作让我觉得不太舒服.....Bosch和Chandler还是魅力十足。剧情很紧凑,节奏快!喜欢!
    • 虽然我很喜欢Magie但是这个案子很不行
    • 局长没了 布拉舍也没了 珍惜珍惜 祝团队健康 愿能多拍几季
    • 女儿的演技这么多年一如既往的烂啊


    ♣️推剧👉[博斯:传承 第二季][2023][全集][美剧]#博斯传承 #点头像观看


      Bosch: Legacy follows Harry Bosch, a retired homicide detective turned private investigator, as he embarks on the next chapter of his career; attorney Honey “Money” Chandler, who struggles to maintain her faith in the justice system after surviving an attempted murder; and Maddie Bosch, as she discovers the possibilities and challenges of being a rookie patrol cop on the streets of Los Angeles. During Season Two, Bosch and Chandler work together to seek out a killer who just might find them first. As a result of being kidnapped by a masked assailant, Maddie Bosch's law enforcement career hangs in the balance. The FBI scrutinizes Carl Rogers' murder and places Bosch and Chandler under suspicion.




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